Featured Research
Spotlighted Research
Dr. Tricia Burke

Dr. Tricia Burke is an Associate Professor of Communication Studies. Her research interests focus upon the theoretical and practical aspects of health and relational communication. She wants to help others understand how to engage in more effective communication about health and relationships and to develop the theoretical perspectives that allow us to understand why some forms of communication are more/less effective.
Dr. Kristen Farris

Dr. Kristen Farris is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies. Her interpersonal and health communication research centers on the ways in which individuals use communication to cope with chronic illnesses or life stressors and how interactants' communication influences their psychosocial outcomes.
Dr. Stephanie Dailey

Dr. Stephanie Dailey is an Associate Professor of Communication Studies. Her research seeks to advance research at the intersection of organizational socialization and organizational identification scholarship. Specifically, my theory-driven program of work spans three contexts: organizational membership, wellness, and social media.