COMM 1310: Fundamentals of Human Communication is a required general education course. All Texas State undergraduate students must complete COMM 1310 or transfer in an equivalent course before graduating. COMM 1310 is offered every semester, including both summer sessions, and focuses on human communication. COMM 1310 is offered in a large lecture/lab format or in a small class setting.
Comm 1310: Fundamentals of Human Communication

What is Comm 1310?
Communication is an essential element of building a career in any industry or discipline. COMM 1310 focuses on human communication, which is the process of making sense out of the world and attempting to share that sense with others, through verbal and nonverbal messages. Please click the link below to see the learning objective associated with this course.
Comm 1310 Registration Issues and How to Resolve Them
The class is full or restricted
- If the class is full, you will need to email the instructor and ask to be admitted to the course.
- If the class is restricted, you do not meet the requirements to be added to the course.
- Contact our department office for assistance: 512-245-2165
The class is marked with a zero and closed
As instructors get hired to teach each 1310 section, the Lecture and Labs will open. Until we have an instructor to teach the course, the sections will remain closed. Keep checking the system for newly opened 1310 sections.
The lecture and lab appear to be at the same time
The days you attend lab and the days you will attend lecture will be assigned by your instructor. When you are in one you will not be in the other, you are never in lecture and lab on the same days. The daily schedule at the end of the syllabus tells you where you need to be (lecture or lab) each day.
To view which Labs are matched with each Lecture, open up the Self-Service Banner homepage and click on “Class Schedule.” Search by current term, Subject: “Communication Studies.” Click on the blue CRN number/link and Labs are listed in the first line under the COMM 1310 Lecture listings (listed in blue).
Scheduling an advising appointment
All advising appointments are made in the Fine Arts and Communication Advising Center; you can call the Advising Center at 512-245-1932.