Internship Program

Internship - COMM 4390
Additional Internship Info
An internship consists of supervised on-the-job work by a student. Internship work may be part time or full time, paid or unpaid. Internship work must allow students to perform professional tasks with a definite communication focus and opportunities for direct application of classroom knowledge and skills. Internships combine work and on-the-job learning opportunities that better allow students to evaluate careers and perspective employers.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Are the Primary Goals of Student Internships?
- Acquiring first-hand knowledge about the field of work.
- Exploring new professional activities and relationships.
- Applying classroom knowledge and skills to the work environment.
- Experiencing problems and contributing to solutions in the field. Learning by doing.
What are the COMM 4390 Requirements During your Internship?
- Complete a minimum of 150 hours at work on your internship
- Working with your employer to identify learning and experiential goals
- Attendance at scheduled meetings/consultations throughout the semester
- Two formal evaluations by your supervisor
- Written Progress Reports and a Final Portfolio highlighting your work and research related to your internship
The course is closed. How do I get permission to register?
You will need to secure a communication Internship and complete the online application for the course. Dr. Saldivar Hodgson will review your application and notify you whether you have been approved for the course or not.
Once your application has been received, you will receive a response via Email within 5 - 10 days.
How am I graded in the course?
There are two separate components of the course that make up your grade:
- Your evaluation from your supervisor at your internship. An evaluation form will be sent to them at the end of the academic term.
- Written progress reports and a final portfolio of work that are turned in to your instructor in COMM 4390.
This course is an upper level elective that equates to 3 credit hours for successful completion.
Internship Application Process
1. Find and Secure a Communication Internship
Once you have found an internship be sure you have consult with an Academic Advisor.
2. Review Comm 4390 Prerequisites and Requirements
Students must be a junior or senior and declared as one of the following:
- Communication Studies Major or Minor
- Political Communication Minor
- Health Communication Minor
- Leadership Minor
You must have completed a minimum of 6 hours in 3000-4000 level Communication courses with a grade of C or better.
If you have not completed the required 6 hours prior to the semester you apply, you can gain provisional approval so long as you meet the requirement prior to the start of the semester you are completing your internship.
To get credit for the Internship course (COMM 4390), you will need to secure a communication Internship, apply for the course, be approved to register for the course, and complete the academic requirements over the academic term.
COMM 4390 - Communication Internship - is a three hour elective for which you receive a grade (A-F). You will want to talk to your advisor about how it fits into your Degree Plan. Tuition and fees are charged for the internship class just as for all other online courses.
This is an online course. You are required to attend a face-to-face orientation meeting with an option for a face-to-face midterm meeting. All assignments and course activities are online.
You are required to work a minimum of 150 hours over the semester at your internship. It is recommended that interns enroll in only 3 additional courses (9 hours) during a fall or spring internship or 1 additional course each session during a summer internship.
3. Complete the Online Application
You will be cleared to register for the course if you meet the prerequisites. You will be advised via Email of the status of your application within 5 - 10 days of your submission.
It is recommended that you register for a "place holder" until you are approved to register for COMM 4390. In the even your plans change, you will have registered for a course that fulfills the requirements of your degree plan.
Link for Online Application
4. Register for Comm 4390
Once you receive approval, it is still your responsibility to complete the class registration yourself; the approval does not automatically enroll you; it just removes the restriction so you can complete your registration.
For More Information about Internships, Please Contact:
Nikkie Saldivar Hodgson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Practice & Director of Career Readiness
Office Location: Centennial Hall 321
Phone: 512.245.5472